it's a very lazy Saturday. well, I've been in here for quite some time. i actually like Saturdays. i don't really have a Saturday staple but i do a lot of fun stuff whenever I'm out from school. I either stay at home, watch TV or i go out with my friends. ≥◦≤
i like the title of this blog ... ^ hehehe I'm writing a new extra for my latest story.. [Rozenweiz Blade Sonata] ♥
I really like that story ♥ . it has ninjas, mafias, robots, some kick-a** characters and a nice set of fanservice.
^ w ^ i really like writing even though I'm not very good with it. I used to love reading books a lot ... well,
used to... now, i don't just read and stay outdoors, i play hard and do a lot of fun stuff. except for this day of course.
after two weeks... of non-stop 'stayiing-up-late-cuz-of-exams' sequence broke the record unto my sched. lately, I have been lazy to put on make up, i stay up almost every night, my eyes look tired and puffed and i look terrible.
thanks to donjie and myka who have been cheering me up when they stopped by... they really made me happy ^________^ ちゃう ♥ ちゃう♥ ちゃう♥ ちゃう♥ for the two of you
i want cake!!!! I WANT CAKE RIGHT NOWW!!~ OMG
i'm so hungry. i haven't had breakfast. it's because of the title.... ^
I want pudding as well. i really like sweet things. OMG this has become random blog. what have I become???!!!!! ( > A < ) I HAVE BECOME A SWEET-TOOTH MONSTERRRR!!!~
OMG let's stop this. this is embarrassing hahahahaha >_____________________<
listening to : ♥♫Renai Circulation ♥♫
i love bakemonogatari... and i love this song. well, I love all their songs but this one is my recent fave. the video is really cool and really cute. it gives our meo-loving fans some Moe-loving-fuel. ^____^
i personally, love this video not just because of the song but also because the art is crisp yet at the same time, very defined and soft. the colors remind me of cotton candy and gummy bears. [ such a sweet tooth]...
i really like her character to.. specially her Seiyuu.
watch bakemonogatari if you're in for some unique and twisted plot. it's not really your typical anime. the animation is very neat and very nice. it has a lot of dialogues [monogatari= story] so some watchers become bored in the middle, but it gives a lot of unusual vibe that i really like. plus, pantsu shots really make the moe meter go up :).