our band's last recording was successful ^_^ i was happy it turned out well even though our lead guitarist wasn't around. the keycoard saved us!!!~ ^ A ^
i'm learning new songs and I'm back with my piano lessons so I can improve myself. for some reason, i got tired of studying the piano by myself. i awlasy end up being lazy or if I did figure a piece out, it'll be incomplete or just half-way through.
i want a little push from somebody better than me ^_^ at least that's what i feel.
i'm still working on my evening gown design.... doing drapes and foldings makes my head burst. you really need a lot [ and i mean a lot] of patience to produce an excellent piece of art. and sadly, what i lack for the moment is pure patience. (>.<)
it's difficult to work on one specific subject when your team mates have a different perspective on how to do things. maybe this is the reason I don't like working in groups. but even if i wanted to do the design by myself, i can't. rules says I have to find a partner. ( -A w A- ) NYAHAH
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