today was a nice day. although i had a hard time working on my homework last night [until morning] , i was happy to find people to help me ^_______^ nyaha!~ MATH is really difficult. I'm not really good at it ... I'm really upset when I don't absorb the lesson much because i have to re-do the studying at home with my own way of learning. That way I can't read mangas ( > . < )
Recently, I've been reading manga online when I have nothing to do. but with my ever-so-busy schedule, i can only do it during weekends and if i get to go home earlier than usual.
I also don't like walking outdoors when the hot is at it's highest. It's really hot during summer. I can feel the direct effect of climate change. OMG i hate the heat. i hate walking acroos a giant oven. It might feel good inside my room because i have airconditioner, but once i get out, arrghhh it's like living hell.
( = ^ A ^ = )/ ~ nyappies!!~
i like writing blogs here. it really relieves my stress. It's been very busy around here. [ =>_______<= ] ~
lately, i've been into various malls looking for a good fabric store. it turned out that Megamall was the best place to look for silk replacements. something like synthetic silk but cheaper and more managable. I don't like sewing silk, it's so hard to fold and cut and sew. it doesn't stay in place.
RANDOM KYAA OF THE DAY [ yukimuraaaaa!!!!!! so love love love ♫♥] nyahaha!~
so... It;s really nice that my blog sites have something on them now. >____< Most of the time, it's just empty and it's just where i junk out my pictures. but now, I've been hooked with with writing in my diary as well as maintaining my blogs well updated ^_^
but i've been having a lot of trouble lately. about a lot of things going in my head, about my weird dreams and about the complicated web of friends I have around me. きゅん☆
this bunny really makes my nerves relax.
do you ever felt like you really like somebody but you're not sure if you really do like that person?
and on the other hand, there's this guys who really likes you, he told you he did and now he's courting you... but you're very confused since you already like somebody else? someone you have loved before, went away, the feeling stayed and then, next thing you know, you already moved on...
then after 2 years, he comes back then asks for your hand? well, that's kind the situation I'm in right now. I'm really confused. I'm really tired with all the people bugging me for unnecessary things and useless stuff.
always flooding my phone with useless group messages even though i already told them to stop?
i know it's really meant to say this but I just want to take a break from all the things that's been bugging me. not that i do not likw what i am doing...
i love the things i do... [summer class, worshops... etc]
it's just that, some people don't know their place within my schedule. even if i do let them know, they don'tk now how to respond or what to do or say. *sigh*
!~ tteeehheee!!!~
some of the things here are not mine alone. cradits to those people ... thank you