私は来ては去って行っても常にもどって来る; 永久に私は、なぜなら私によってが流れる永遠とどま

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

CHEERS!!~ =>____<=

YES YES YES and YES!!! CHEERS!!! it's the last day of summer school... that means, i get to sleep until noon, watch TV and surf the internet until my eyes drop!! no more math solutions !! *extreme happiness*

OMG!!!~ I have been waiting for this moment! the moment of relaxation and being carefree.... NOW it's finaly summer vacation. even if it's just for three weeks, I'm glad i have a chance to rest my nerves. *sigh*

Nikon AF 50mm F/1.8 (ca 1990) Pictures, Images and Photos

i wanted a bigger lense... > . < OMG i love this.

my nikon d90

i wanted to name this blog random brownies but then i t hought, all of my previous blog entries have been named randomly, and all of them has something to do with *random word insert here* *food*.

it's been like that for quite some time... but then again, why not name your blog with food, right?